Raquel Ausejo Marcos has a degree in veterinary sciences by the University of Zaragoza. After finishing her studies in France, she studied a masters on Health and production of swine facilitated by the universities of Zaragoza, Lerida, Barcelona and Madrid, and she obtained the award of “Best Master Thesis”.
After starting her career as a veterinary in within the swine sector, she started working at Magapor S.L in 2010, initially as a technician and, after, as the responsible for R&D and the Veterinary Technical Service of the company in 2014. She is an international consultant for the swine genetic improvement, since 2012, and Raquel is an associate professor at the same master she took and also participates in several research projects for the improvement of the productivity and modernization of the swine sector. She has written several informative texts, is a co-author of several articles in well-known magazines and participates as a speaker in congresses and technical reunions at international level.
Magapor is a Spanish company with over 25 years of experience, dedicated exclusively to the design, development, manufacturing and distribution of technology for swine artificial insemination.
They are a leader company within the national sector and a reference at an international level, both in innovation and in market share, thanks to a solid international distribution network. Magapor has made a firm commitment to the promotion and technology transfer within the agriculture and the livestock sectors. That is why they participate and collaborate with researchers from academia, from the most prestigious national and international universities. They use R&D as a mean to provide innovative and practical solutions and to achieve better results.
Magapor counts on a group of highly qualified and multidisciplinary professionals, formed by graduates and doctors in Biology, Veterinary Sciences, Chemistry, Agriculture Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Statistics. Their education and background as well as their experience in the development of R&D make this research team the most powerful resource for Magapor in terms of growth and strength. Since the beginning, the common denominator of the company has been the research and development of new products to satisfy the needs of a sector that is quickly advancing technologically. Until this day, Magapor has participated successfully in numerous R&D projects, both at national scale and with international cooperation.
Take the chance and exchange experiences and knowledge about the importance of finding sustainable alternatives to reduce AMR.