After some months working remotely, most of the NeoGiANT team gathered again, after our 1st General Assembly Meeting in León (Spain). This time, the meeting was celebrated in Belgium, in the beautiful city of Ghent and organised by our partners Nuscience and ANITOM.
The meeting started with a warm welcome by our coordinator Marta Lores, from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, and Tommy Van Limbergen, from ANITOM. After that, all work packages started to describe the work performed over the last months in detail. A lot of advances have been made since the beginning of the project and it is a privilege to count on so many experts in the same room sharing all their knowledge and pursuing the same goal: preventing AMR in animals through grape extracts.
Several topics were addressed during the meeting, such as the analysis and characteristics of the different extracts, the sustainability of the processes from a life cycle assessment perspective, the possible applications of the potential final products in different sectors and animals or the dissemination and communication of the project, among many others. Many discussions and debates took place during the two-day meeting, in which both present and online participants were able to exchange ideas.
Networking is always easier with present participants, but the well organised hybrid meeting offered a good chance for all members to not miss any detail of the meeting. The team had the chance to enjoy the beauty of Ghent as well as for seeing each other in person after these months. After all advances were shared, there was time for planning for the next months, too, until the next meeting takes place.
Then, after the two days of explaining each work package, Marta Lores and Geert Bruggeman (Nuscience) closed NeoGiANT’s 2nd General Assembly Meeting by thanking all participants for the successful meeting.
Congratulations to all members of the project for their efforts, their results, their collaboration and contributions during the meeting. We can’t wait to gather again and share advances together!
Until then, you can learn more about the project by browsing our scientific publications, our conference posters or our blog.
Take the chance and exchange experiences and knowledge about the importance of finding sustainable alternatives to reduce AMR.